We tried to do a bit of everything today as we are leaving in the late morning tomorrow. A bit of tidying, putting the boat away and all the floaties, we smoked three of the salmon, and then eaded to Rathtrevor for one last hurrah. The tide was so far out that after walking for a looooong time, I looked back to our spot on the beach, then looked at the water, and realized I was only halfway. I've used it as exercise time in the past because walking over the rippling wet sand works your legs amazingly. Today I felt lazy, though, and returned to te blankets and cooler for a beverage and my knitting needles. The others played bocce and threw the football. Usually when the tide is out there are large tide pools full of warm water for the kids to play in, but they weren't there this year. So we just stayed hot and dry.

I'll miss looking at sandy shoulders. I won't miss sandy bedsheets, though!
In the evening, the grandparents looked after the five kids and we went out for dinner with Dan and Johanne. We went to the Rod and Gun. Classic Parksville. We haven't been there in years but had such lousy service at the new resort down the street that we decided to forgo the view and actually get treated well. We laughed a lot, drank a little too much, and walked two blocks home to laugh some more on the back porch.
Sounds like a heavenly holiday Bonnie!