Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Days 9-14 - Time Flies

Oh, blogging is just not as much fun without some accompanying photos. Alas, the weather in Vancouver is so, well, grey, right now that all my pictures turn out dark. It just doesn't inspire blog posts, truthfully. However, I really enjoyed looking back on last year's holiday posts, if only for ideas this year, and I'd like to look back on this time next year (hopefully to see how frazzled and busy I was and chuckle because Christmas 2011 is soooo relaxing) so continue I must, even with dark photos.
So, what have we been up to this week?
First, the tree was bought and decorated. It is smaller than our usual tree, and fit into the living room easily. Not good. Christmas trees must come with furniture rearranging. Luckily I married someone who agrees (if only because he wants to sweep up dust bunnies) so after pretty much all of our furniture was moved, we are quite pleased. I love the light a tree gives off. I always mourn the loss of it when it is gone.
Only about 1/3 of my decorations fit...I got to pick my favourites so I love it all the more!

A few new birdies were added to my tree this year (this one was gifted to me last year from Sarah)
Remember this one? Love it!

Isla and I have started baking...

I told her I wanted to take a picture of her in Faire's apron and she held this pose while I found the camera, adjusted, took multiple shots...in fact, she wants to do this pose in all photos right now! Hilarious!

She helped with a bit of adding and mixing, but really, she just wants to lick the spoons...
Jay moved the TV down into the living room for the next couple of weeks. It seemed a shame to go up the the TV/Playroom to watch a Christmas movie when the tree and the fireplace are down here. It's quite blissful, although we don't have cable and I've already had my fill of CBC Holiday specials...

And, of course, I've been knitting. So has Faire, actually. She plans to knit gifts for everyone. The fact that Christmas is 11 days away does not faze her. I could probably learn something from that. But, most of my knitting is done. I'm feeling quite Zen about it now, which means I am growing as a person, or I am heavily under the influence of homemade Irish Cream liqueur. I have a sneaking suspicion thatI've forgotten something that I'm supposed to be knitting and that's why I'm so calm...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I could knit hats like you B! Love this one too.
